Mount Royale Highlands Ranch

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​Queen Bee Keeper & Farmer
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About Mount Royale Highlands Ranch

Mount Royale Highlands Ranch​

Is family-owned and operated. I am tapping into living the American Dream. 95% of what we ate was raised, grown, plucked, slaughtered, picked, churned, shucked , milked, canned or put away in the freezer or cellar. As I progressed through life I began to reflect on by gone days of my youth and childhood growing up. I wanted my children and grandchildren to experience the sights, sounds, smells and flavors that I had grown up with. 

I realized it was up to me, just as it was up to my parents and theirs before them to instill and ensure that the information that has been passed down through generations, would continue to be shared with those generations that came after them. Truly I was being called to a less stressful, quality of life. I wanted to  know where and how my food was being grown, fed and processed. Many of the fruits and vegetables you can buy in the grocers taste like water, barely any flavor. I longed for walking through the garden and picking a fresh pea pod or tomato from the garden and taking a bite! Can't you just smell the the delicious aroma? We as human beings have moved far away from a healthy living and life style. There is a growing movement to grow ones own food and a healthier way of life.

So I decided a few years ago to start preparing for living a quality life. First I researched land in the area(s) I was interested in living and would fit my lifestyle and interest, rural/off the grid yet close to services.  Even a simple quality life cost a pretty penny. Where there's a will there's a way. Never give up on your dreams! There's been a few setbacks. 2018 I had a terrible car accident, there went a whole year of my life. So many physical obstacles to overcome. By the grace of the Creator I am still here. 2024 I am moving forward with our plans for developing the property. One day at a time, one step at a time.

 No matter your reason you will enjoy the beauty of our 40 acres and the surrounding area. If you love to ATV, Ride Horses, Mountain Bike, Hike, Fish, Hunt, this is the place for you. Haul in your horses and pets. We are pet and horse friendly! Once we have progressed in developing the ranch we will offer, Sustainable Living, Organic Gardening, Beekeeping classes. New and exciting developments are happening! We will be adding goats, free range chickens. 

We are using solar energy, wind turbine, battery bank and back up generator to provide all of the necessary power we need. A holding tank will store our water until we can dig a well. Free Solar Energy! Want to go nomad? Living off the grid doesn't  mean that you must live uncomfortably.  One of my goals is to share (How To Live A Quality Life Off The Grid) with anyone who wants to learn more about what it takes. If your interested in renting one of our RV spaces, contact us for more details and pricing. Thank you for Stopping by! Keep an eye out for our
 "Off Grid Pod Cast".

         "How to live a quality life off the grid?"
        Contact us, I'd love to hear from you.
Blessings To All

Owner/Founder of  Mount Royale Highlands Ranch. entrepreneur, business owner, Sustainable Energy, Alt. Housing, Horticulture, Queen Bee Keeper, Sales & Marketing, Catering Dir., Executive Dir.  Mother, grand mother and all around ranch hand.
" This Is Gods Country "
Miss. Georgia, Say's

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